The Hex Files Secrets


What's up with Endervale? That's weird? And Carla's Computer? What about Wizarro and the Locket? So many puzzle pieces, do they even fit together?So. I'd like to point out what I and the community seems to have put together so far, and maybe we can put together the rest. SPOILERS AHEAD1.

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The Entervale command leads you to a strange world (Endervale, let's call it, since it is referenced as that).2. Carla's computer is accessible in SoL. Using it Duplicates your items!3. Carla's computer is accessible from Endervale.4.

By using Carla's computer in Endervale, you can potentially duplicate the Book of Vallamir up to 9 times.5. You can use the book of Vallamir on Lazarus O.o and he loses all ability to fight.6. (Rocketflex) Using Endervale, you can complete the tutorial without killing Moji, and the game reacts to this change.Additionally:1. You can use fishing to get The Locket2. Wizarro reacts to The Locket if you bring it to him.3. After doing so, he mentions a Cipher, and if you bring it to him, he will translate The Locket to you4.

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He mentions that he had a Cipher awhile ago, but he lost it5. Wizarro only appears in 2 other games: Combat Arena X and Waste WorldThat's all I've got. Other than the 5 ways to break the game and get the Error Achievements. Doing all 5 of those has not created any unique behavior or endings in the game as far as I can tell. It seems that there are some things that we have yet to figure out.

Either that or I'm just an idiot and someone already has. Anyone have any thoughts? Originally posted by:I'm not sure, I actually think it's a remnant of Carla and Lionel's childhood, when they were still friends, and is part of the reason why Lionel hired Carla; they promised to make games together. I can't help but think that there also might have been feelings between them. She put up with him through SoL only for him to rob his employees blind and bail. So the locket was 'discarded' in the game. How the other half got in Gameworks is another question.I really like this theory!

The Hex Files Secrets

Unrelated, though Wizzro kinda looks like Daniel Mullins. Based on the one headshot up on his website. Could be a super duper secret easter egg for something personal and romantic-like which players aren't meant to discover the conclusion to, partially led down this trail of thought due to the sprite resemblence. Also a little odd this is the first time we've seen 'creators' referenced. Could also just be remnants from cut content.

Is there anywhere I can go online to find out a rundown of all the secrets discovered so far? I'm pretty useless so far even after a few runthroughs through the game, and had no idea about the hidden cards etc until I read about them here (how did you guys even discover them in the first place?).The furthest I got was unlocking all the vending machines, finding the teleporter for? I got both halves of the locket but didn't know you had to take it to Wizzro (using chapter select presumably?). I read on here how to get the hammer to rescue the purple dude, which I did, but then I quit out to chapter select and went to him with Rust but I no longer had the hammer.People are talking about Endervale, how do you access that?

I also found the message in a bottle but didn't know how to use it. I also found the Kraken dating mini boss. And how do you 'break' the game?I loved the secrets hidden in Pony Island but never managed to find them all myself without a walkthrough, but I really want to learn more about the hidden story behind the game. I picked up on the spider hints throughout the game with Sado presumably taking over Jeremiah and infilirating the hex to get into the real world, but beyond that I'm kinda in the dark. Any pointers? Originally posted by:Is there anywhere I can go online to find out a rundown of all the secrets discovered so far?

I'm pretty useless so far even after a few runthroughs through the game, and had no idea about the hidden cards etc until I read about them here (how did you guys even discover them in the first place?).The furthest I got was unlocking all the vending machines, finding the teleporter for? I got both halves of the locket but didn't know you had to take it to Wizzro (using chapter select presumably?).

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I read on here how to get the hammer to rescue the purple dude, which I did, but then I quit out to chapter select and went to him with Rust but I no longer had the hammer.People are talking about Endervale, how do you access that? I also found the message in a bottle but didn't know how to use it.

I also found the Kraken dating mini boss. And how do you 'break' the game?I loved the secrets hidden in Pony Island but never managed to find them all myself without a walkthrough, but I really want to learn more about the hidden story behind the game. I picked up on the spider hints throughout the game with Sado presumably taking over Jeremiah and infilirating the hex to get into the real world, but beyond that I'm kinda in the dark.

Any pointers?It’s been a big collaborative effort. I don’t think any one person found everything.

Some people try clicking on everything and find cards, someone else (me) who loves rebuses figured out how to crash the fighting level (but only after reading anout someone else finding the clue), and so on. In a talk, the dev said (regarding Pony Island) that he was inspired by how Undertale had elements designed to not be found easily by individuals that tell a story related to the story that ties in (through editing game files, etc). It is likely many of these secrets were intended to be found by a community and not individuals.The current best source for secrets to the game is the Steam forums, and the guides. There are very likely secrets no one has found yet, and it is likely there will be secrets patched in ex post facto, possibly based on conversations people have in these forums.Personally I love hidden stuff and this kind of interaction between author and experiencer. Originally posted by:Is there anywhere I can go online to find out a rundown of all the secrets discovered so far? I'm pretty useless so far even after a few runthroughs through the game, and had no idea about the hidden cards etc until I read about them here (how did you guys even discover them in the first place?).The furthest I got was unlocking all the vending machines, finding the teleporter for?

I got both halves of the locket but didn't know you had to take it to Wizzro (using chapter select presumably?). I read on here how to get the hammer to rescue the purple dude, which I did, but then I quit out to chapter select and went to him with Rust but I no longer had the hammer.People are talking about Endervale, how do you access that? I also found the message in a bottle but didn't know how to use it. I also found the Kraken dating mini boss.

And how do you 'break' the game?I loved the secrets hidden in Pony Island but never managed to find them all myself without a walkthrough, but I really want to learn more about the hidden story behind the game. I picked up on the spider hints throughout the game with Sado presumably taking over Jeremiah and infilirating the hex to get into the real world, but beyond that I'm kinda in the dark. Any pointers?I may add a few things to the initial Hunt post, but mostly I just wanted to write up everything that it seemed the community has figured out so far. Yeah I think it's cool as well, I like all the file meddling etc. Originally posted by:Yeah I think it's cool as well, I like all the file meddling etc. WE HAVE A LEAD BOYS AND GIRLS!Thank you to Preep! You can find this info in the 'The Locket.?'

Discussion tab if you want to see for yourself. He found out how to get the next step in the Wizarro Lucket hunt.First, go to your save file data in The Hex - SaveData folder. Then, put in a new file called 'Cipher.cipher.' The next time you speak to Wizarro, he will begin saying the message written on the locket. But the messsage is still coded.

That means there must be some kind of code needed in the cipher file to decipher the message.If anyone has any ideas, please post below. Let's figure this out once and for all.I'm just going to take a wild guess real quick. I think I might know the answer already. I'm going to go to the bar and get a nice, stiff drink. I wonder what I should order.

Ok, thought i was being all coy with that hint at using the word 'Sarsaparilla' but no such luck. Entering that text into the cipher.cipher file did nothing to change the resulting code, not any change at all. I also tried entering it in as 'sarsaparilla' and 'SARSAPARILLA' and changing the file name to 'Sarsaparilla.cipher' But no luck. I may be missing something.I'm not sure what else the cipher could be either. Any other clues hidden in The Walk that might hint at it?Alternatively, we may have to take the resulting code from Wizarro, and decode it using other means.

Preep already tried a Base64 decode, but it may be something else. Especially since it doesn't seem that entering anything in the cipher.cipher file changes the resulting code at all. Originally posted by:Ok, thought i was being all coy with that hint at using the word 'Sarsaparilla' but no such luck.

Entering that text into the cipher.cipher file did nothing to change the resulting code, not any change at all. I also tried entering it in as 'sarsaparilla' and 'SARSAPARILLA' and changing the file name to 'Sarsaparilla.cipher' But no luck. I may be missing something.I'm not sure what else the cipher could be either. Any other clues hidden in The Walk that might hint at it?Alternatively, we may have to take the resulting code from Wizarro, and decode it using other means. Preep already tried a Base64 decode, but it may be something else. Especially since it doesn't seem that entering anything in the cipher.cipher file changes the resulting code at all. Yeah, i tried a lot of different stuff found along the game in that file, no success either.

The Hex Files Book 2

By the way, look at the very begining of wasteworld adventure. Scene where raiders try to open the cache is definite trolling of us right now. The first portion of the code I'm thinking is just Sarsaparilla, it just depends on whether the A's are @ or not. The middle part of the code I'm thinking, actually, is the error codes we've gotten for crashing the game. This is either in chronological order: 092X57333, or in the order of the achievements listed: 572X33093.The last part of the code, I'm not sure. It has to be a 10 letter word that starts with A, has a 6th letter and 10th letter S. Or it's two words put together.

Of course, some of that last part has to be in Leet speak. I can't think of any names in The Hex that begin with an A though.Although, the leet speak does remind me of names in pony isalnd. Maybe there's something there? It's not Asmodeus because it doesn't fit. But something else?

The Hex Files Secrets Pdf

ALAINS!!!Ok, I'm thinking the first part of that last portion of the code might be Aliens. It's a 6 letter word that begins with a and ends with S. That would make the code so far:@LIEN$XXX$$@d051Now, the spelling of Aliens might not be normal. It could be ALAINS, or ALEINS, or whatever leet speak version of one of those spellings. My bet is @L@IN$So that leaves the middle part.

This would have to be a 5 letter word beginning with $ (the end of aliens) and ending with S. Or, it's a 4 letter word that ends with S. I'm stumped right now.

This entry was posted on 10.01.2020.