Mego Games Obsession Rules Fringe


As the ship Orion was preparing for departure from the system, Gareth turned on his computer in his quarters and hooked it up to the Extranet network the Athenians had setup here in the Fringe. Looked at the news feed from FNN and saw that the Bugs were causing havoc on their capital planets surface.

He pondered for a while, browsing his ships conditions, the supplies and overall status of his men. Then opened up a comm and made sure it was broadcast to news agencies and anyone who wanted to listen but addressed it directly to the government of the Atheneum Directorate, trying to put a bit of pressure on them to act. The video recording started and behind him could be seen the symbol of the SOTI Division, the burning skull. 'I am Colonel Gareth Vaughan, commanding officer of the 4th Battalion of the Special Operations and Tactical Insertion Division of Penedryn Inc.' - 'From the news feed it seems like your Quarantine measures are failing and the Bugs spreading, threatening your existence.' - 'I may be a newcomer to the Fringe but neither I or my troopers are inexperienced when it comes to these insects, I've been fighting them to protect civilians for so long now and I see no reason why to stop.' - 'If the Directorate's leadership will have us, we will plunge into the depths of hell where no other man dares to go.'

As he ends the videolink he attaches all the track records of the SOTI, ranging from before the Colonial Wars to where we are today. The recruitment video of SOTI used during the Bug War is also attached. Incoming Message. 'This is Patrol Group Victor-Bravo, of SecuCorps.

We are tracking wanted personnel in your sector. Be advised, subjects are armed and extremely dangerous. SecuCorps offers a split bounty upon apprehension of subjects. Repeat assistance required. Please respond.' Incoming Message.

' 'Dang it, Skeeter! We got us a sit'iation. Smokey's on us.' Nevermind the bacon. Anybody reading this, give us escort and safe passage from those pigs and we'll cut you in on the profits!

Whattya say?' ((Special Lightening Event. First to respond Company/Colony name, Help SecuCorps or Faction Name help Pirates, get the event.)). The Sentinel's insignia​ Sentinel Hierarchy Initiate: All prospective members of the Sentinels must endure as an initiate for no less than one month. Here they are given basic combat training while their dedication to the Sentinel cause is tested, along with their particular strengths and weaknesses.

Initiates are not considered true members of the Sentinels, merely a potential recruit. Apprentice: After passing initiate training, recruits are placed in an area that suits their talents and paired with a mentor who can pass on their years of experience and continue training the Apprentice in their designated field. Even non-combat roles include drills and training to ensure a certain level of combat ability is maintained; while the Sentinel's engineers and medics are not as elite as some of their brothers, and would pose little threat to the more dangerous mercenary groups in the Fringe, they are at least on par with the average soldier. If during their training either the apprentice or their mentor decides they were misplaced and would be better suited to a different area, this transfer can be arranged. Sentinel: When their mentor feels that the apprentice is ready, they will be granted the full honor and title of sentinel, becoming an equal member of the company. When the company is in need of a new paladin or warden, all sentinels are free to nominate and vote for any other sentinel to receive the honor. The majority vote wins, with the current captain breaking any ties that occur.

After the installation has been finished, remember to install the update to Cubase 6.5.5. On Mac OS X and Windows 8, ISO images can be opened as virtual drives directly by double-click. Use any common burning software to create installation DVDs from the ISO images. Cubase 5 torrent. A valid Cubase 6.5 license is required to use the installation!

Warden: The officer in charge of a Haven. Wardens have almost total authority within their territory, though there are certain limits to their actions and a paladin or captain can still overrule them.

They serve for life unless a majority of the paladins vote to remove them, or by order of the captain. Paladin: Only five exist at any time. These men have all obtained their position through great deeds and loyal service.

The authority of a paladin is second only to the captain's. When a new captain is needed, every sentinel is free to vote for one of the paladins to take the office.

Captain: Currently Nathaniel Hallis, the captain of the Sentinels holds absolute authority over the entire order in theory. In practice, the current captain allows his paladins much freedom in attending to the company's business.

He currently serves more as a public representative and source of wisdom for his brothers, though this could change at any time, especially if a new captain is appointed. Captains serve for life, and cannot be removed except by illegal mutiny.

For us no home, Till every man a home has found. For us no love, Till every lover safely bound. For us no peace, Till peace from every world resounds. This oath we swear by blood and honor, Till end of time. The Oath of the Sentinels.


E-Day​ Conference room aboard the USG Senatorial remnants flagship and one of the two remaining battleship of the whole fleet. Senator Hera: my dear friends and compatriots we have endure so much for an entire year but we are finally out of the bug space and in relative free space near the jump point to the fringes. I know many wish to stop and do repairs, rest etc, but we cannot do so we must continue and launch to the fringe Admiral Kruschev: fellow Senators many of our ships are at their limit in their plating etc or need serious revision of their engines.I am afraid many cannot possibly jump at this point, it is our duty to remain and help fix them. The mortal peril that force us to abandon so many of our comrade is not here yet.we surely can delay a few days to be more jump ready. Said with rage contained.

Senator Lorien: esteem member of this group, the admiral is in the right we have to do repairs before jumping or leave many behind meanwhile they do repairs. A significant part of our fire power specially Stahl Battleship kasuga and the two remaining heavy cruiser.our only two cruiser left are in no conditions to jump with us. Admiral.Kruschev, smirked knowing that was the way to manipulate Hera Stahl.her precious ships. Senator Alexander and Robert: we two have decided to side with whatever position Senator Stahl decides after all this ship and many of our remaining forces are her private property. Admiral Kruschev: so there it is Senator Hera we would have to leave them behind on their own if we do so not only them however many corvettes are in need to repair, i esteem 25% of or remaining ships and our heavy hitters would have to leave behind if we push forward is that what you really want?

Senator Hera: Gentleman, lady.even so we have to push forwards they can repair and join us later, and yes i know there is always the risk they go for independent groups etc or don't join us but never the less we have to push out of bug range and cross to the fringe immediately, not doing so would mean our certain doom, and so i vote we push forward. I belive that make a majority decision in the senate. Admira, l order we push for the fringe at once. Said the senator smiling. And so the remaining forces of the USG senatorial fleet launched to the fringe leaving behind a battleship, two heavy cruiser and several corvettes.

At least they would protect the area until launch though the admiral with rage.but the senator had other ideas. Some time after the launch of the fleet from the jump point 3 ships were seen ripped apart by internal explosions, the owner of them? No idea according to the people around those ships have just gotten left behind by a desperate jumping fleet.

Leave behind my ships to someone else? Take the risk they can go way, those ship are Hera Stahl property and no one else, though hera Stahl meanwhile dining, just before the collapse of the trade line. ((just some character development backgorund ic no extranet report)).

EDI​ 'Greetings, citizens of the Fringe. Today marks a good day for justice as SecuCorps, a private security firm mainly operating in Darkstar, apprehended the notorious leader of the terrorist group, Sons of the Confederacy, Skeeter Williams. Williams' band of criminals have a long list of criminal offences such as racketeering, kidnapping, murder, and drug trafficking. Upon arrest, Williams and his band were found to be in possession of nearly five kilos of Insectoid cerebral fluid. A powerful intoxicant that is known to cause insanity and death.

Officials within SecuCorps state that the Atlantean Espionage, Defense, and Assault Network, or AEDAN, took part in the dog fight near Darkstar Echo, and was instrumental in the arrest. For Fringe News Network, I am EDI and return you to your regular Extranet browsing. 'I am Colonel Gareth Vaughan, commanding officer of the 4th Battalion of the Special Operations and Tactical Insertion Division of Penedryn Inc.' - 'From the news feed it seems like your Quarantine measures are failing and the Bugs spreading, threatening your existence.' - 'I may be a newcomer to the Fringe but neither I or my troopers are inexperienced when it comes to these insects, I've been fighting them to protect civilians for so long now and I see no reason why to stop.'

- 'If the Directorate's leadership will have us, we will plunge into the depths of hell where no other man dares to go.' Honorable High King, 99th of his name, Huey Long of the Jews, Purveyor of Pomposity, Collector of Loans, Esteemed Banker, Devious General, Unrepentant Imperialist, Yankee Bureaucrat, Paisleyite Drunkard, and a terrible heartache to all Yellowish Liberals.

OT's local Right-Leaning Totalitarian World-Federalist High Tory Cosmopolitan Traditionalist. And always inebriated. Awards: Victorian Cross Nominee - Role Player of the Month (June - 2013) (December - 2014) - History Book of the Year (2014)​. Faction Name: New Wolfen Republic Leader Name(s): Matthew Wolfe, president of the New Wolfen Republic Flotilla/Ship: A flotilla called 'Wolfe's Upbringing' Colony/Company Mandate: Economy Alignment: Neutral with a slight Republican leaning Bio: A remnant of what was once an isolationist republic left alone by the USG in the Outer Rim, the New Wolfen Republic is a collection of refugees and what was left of the Wolfen military. 'Old Wolfen,' as dubbed by the refugees was a relatively prosperous mining planet.

The focus of the planet was the profitable mining of Tylium Ore. As refugees swarmed to the Fringe, the planet continued mining until it was clear the bugs were going to overwhelm the Outer Rim. Using what profits the planetary government had left, the Republic loaded the best of its military and some selected refugees into a flotilla and left 'Old Wolfen,' forever. The mining technology used in Wolfen however, was still preserved on the flotilla, thus the flotilla continues to search for a suitable planet to resume mining in the Fringe. As a republic, the NWR has always supported the republic, although it understands taking a more neutral stance shall benefit it more in the long run.

Adjusting Bearings​ Colonel Gareth could feel the ships FTL Drive struggling to stay alive as it kicked on and they zoomed away into the stars. He asked his helmsman, Dilwen Pryce, what sector the officers had chosen. 'Greenstar, Sir' she replied and pulled up the collected data on his screen. He leaned back in his chair and observed the charts and what they could gather on the bodies there. He pulled up the moon of the planet designated Echo and sent it back to the Helmsman.

'What would be our ETA to that planet's moon?' 18 hours to reach the Greenstar's gravity well and then a further 5 hours to reach the orbit of Echo Minor, Sir' - 'Good, make it so and let Major Bryn Pugh know that is Company will be needed to prepare for a drop down to the moon's surface.'

- 'Aye aye Sir!' EXTRANET​ It seems as the SOTI Division will be setting up shop in the Greenstar sector around the planet Echo's moon. They have shown activities indicating that they will salvage material to repair their ship and set-up a mobile base of operations. They also seem to have shown interest in exploring the moon for purposes unknown. SOTI Division goes into Orbit around Greenstar Echo Minor and starts preparing their ship to become their mobile base. They also send exploration teams to the moons surface. The Communications Officer turns to the Emperor, “Your Imperial Majesty, we are being hailed by ships that are identifying themselves as the United Sol Governments Senate Remnant.

Should I put them on?” “Do that Lieutenant,” the Emperor replies. “Battleship Stahl-1 to unidentified ships, do you copy? We, repeat do you copy?” “This is the USG Battlecruiser Interceptor responding to the Battleship Stahl-1. We request further identification from you, and recommend you keep your distance.” Holovideo patching up.Initiating.booting.visuals established.

A image of a command center opens up. “This is Senator Hera Stahl in representation of the United Sol Government Senate Remnants. We bid your people our most friendliest salutations, who do we have the pleasure to be talking to?” “Emperor Andrew Altamiranda. It is good to see you again Senator. I am pleased to see that you have survived the fall of Central Rim.” “Senator Andrew Altamiranda from the Syrious Senate? Its a pleasure to see you survived as well the insectoid onslaught. The emperor is dead or missing my dear senator.were we so disconnected that never heard a new one was crowned?” “When we lost contact with Sol, the Syrious Senate, whose mandate was to run what they could of the USG, decided that we needed a strong leader.

So, it was decided that we would crown an Emperor, and I was chosen for the honor.” “I see, well i congratulate you to ascension to emperorship a great Honor indeed, We in the Senatorial Remnants got cut off rather early and so could not hear of such news. That will likely explain the Imperial in your expressed faction name.” “So i suppose you have part of the senate surviving senators of the USG with your esteem person?” “Only two others were sent with me, Senators Warren Crastelor, and Harrison Astelian. They were sent to advise me as they are far wiser than I am. They are quite knowledged in the arts of government and economics.” “Only those two survived with you? What a shame, no more were able to come with you.” said Hera with a concerned.but somehow happy face. “ Yes i know some about them.don't know them personally but have hear of them, very experienced ones indeed.” “Indeed they are.

May I ask you what your plans are? We plan on setting up a colony, and hoping that we will one day be able to restore the USG. Is it possible we could work together to achieve this goal?” “We have plan in settling a colony In the planet so called by the colonials Diomedes Charlie.

Its the most similar to earth we could find and so named New Earth naturally.,” after pausing for a min, “yes cooperation between our two groups should be highly advisable path for the reformation of our once great nation. I suggest we organize a meeting in person in the near future, would you agree to it?” “I would indeed.

I with you the best of luck, and Godspeed.” HR/HR Extranet: USGIR, and USGSR agree to work together. Senator Stahl and Emperor Altamiranda are likely to have an actual meeting in the near future.

Event Descriptions 2016 All of the shows are listed here. If you're interested in a particular category simply click on the colour coded links below. Ticket information can be found on each event listing. Denotes advanced bookings can be made from the Opera House Box Office 0 (or online) from early June.

Our has general advice about ticketing at the Fringe. Events marked have been suggested by the entrant as generally suitable for family viewing. NB Events in the For Families category tend to be specifically aimed at young people. Please note that details of performances, including times and dates, may be subject to.

Numbers in brackets refer to venue numbers (see ). ABI ROBERTS: ANGLICHANKA - Abi Roberts Anglichanka is a new stand-up comedy show about living in the Soviet Union in the 1990s, based around Abi's experiences learning Russian, studying opera and learning how to drink like Russians. Expect diary excerpts, bits in Russian and her various exploits whilst surviving the winters on homemade vodka! (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 22 Jul 10:30pm to 11:30pm, 23 Jul 7:15pm to 8:15pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. ALEX KEALY IS AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME - Alex Kealy So You Think You're Funny finalist and land mammal Alex Kealy presents his debut stand-up show. The Comedy Verdict calls him a 'decidedly intellectual' (uh-oh!) comedian. Luckily, he's also 'hugely funny'. Broadway Baby. 'Had us eating out of the palm of his hand'. Suitcase Magazine (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 15 Jul 10:30pm to 11:30pm, 16, 17 Jul 4pm to 5pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via.

Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. ALFIE MOORE: GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER - Alfie Moore In this brand-new comedy hour, Alfie Moore, star of BBC Radio 4 comedy It's A Fair Cop and a former Detective Sergeant, provides a detailed step-by-step guide to enable you to achieve this goal.

Everything you need to know, from choosing a murder weapon to disposing of the body. (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 10 & 14 Jul 7:15pm to 8:15pm £8 (Child and Conc £7) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. AMADEUS MARTIN: SICK MY DUCK & OTHER PROGRESS IN WORKS - Amadeus Martin The future is doomed. By 2019 Google Street View will allow a user access inside someone's cupboard to eat their food, and if Jeremy Kyle's home, to give him a slap.

Maybe the future is bright. Award-winning Amadeus Martin takes you on a voyage of myth and quirky observations. (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 8, 15 & 22 Jul 7pm to 8pm, 23 Jul 8:45pm to 9:45pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. BANG BANG - IMPROV COMEDY FOR GROWN UPS - CSzUK From the team behind all-ages, all-improvised show ComedySportz (now in its 15th year!) comes a fast, funny and totally unpredictable show for grown ups. Join them for a supersonic night of improvised comedy sketches, games and gags. 'Quick, witty, sometimes ingenious'. Yorkshire Times. 'Hilariously entertaining'.

Buxton Fringe Review Underground Venues (10) 11 & 18 Jul 10pm to 11pm, 19 Jul 7pm to 8pm £8 (Child and Conc £7) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. BARBARIANS - Ben Van der Velde Apparently every Eurasian man shares 8% of his DNA with Genghis Khan, making us all part barbarian. Ben finds out how savage he is, whilst sipping a skinny mocha-latte. Big questions require big answers, and so long as you don't equate big with accurate, you're in for a treat.

(New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 9 Jul 4:15pm to 5:15pm, 10 & 17 Jul 5:45pm to 6:45pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. BARREL OF LAUGHS - Underground Venues It's back! Eleven years on and still the comedy centre of the Fringe. The UK's best stand-up, sketch and character-comedy descend on Buxton for three Friday nights of uncensored, unpredictable fun. All in the atmospheric Old Hall vaults, with equally atmospheric bar on hand.

Complete sell-out 2006-2015. Early booking advised. Underground Venues (10) 8, 15 & 22 Jul 8:30pm to 10pm £8 Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. BEASTS - Beasts Comedy Sketch heroes Beasts return to Buxton with a brand new hour of inspired nonsense. 'The new breed of sketch show'. The Guardian. 'Unforgettably nutty'. The Times.

'A tsunami of carefully-crafted silliness'. The Telegraph. 'Impossible not to cry with laughter'. Sunday Express (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 22 Jul 10:30pm to 11:30pm, 23 Jul 2:45pm to 3:45pm £9 (Child and Conc £8) Bookings via.

Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. CHARMIAN HUGHES: SOIXANTE MIRTH - Charmian Hughes Fun-filled frolic. Fate, Flim-Flam and Filosophy - no effing! Sixth solo show! 60th glorious year!

Glastonbury Festival MC. 'Good old-style set up and punch'. Funny Women. 'Charming ribaldry'.

Obsession Game Rules

The Guardian. 'For comedy fans'. Bruce Dessau. 'A cry for help'. Three Weeks (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 14 Jul 10:15pm to 11:15pm, 16 Jul 8:45pm to 9:45pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. COKEY FALKOW: BLACK SHEEP - The Comedy Agency Growing up, Cokey Falkow always felt like the black sheep of the family.

As a successful comedian and actor first in South Africa, then Los Angeles and now the UK, Cokey Falkow remains an itinerant black sheep. 'Absolutely bloody hysterical'. 'The thinking man's comic'.

Elle Magazine Note: Katie Mulgrew (pictured) replaced the advertised show. (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 15 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm, 16 Jul 7:15pm to 8:15pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. GEORGE ZACH: CONFESSIONS OF A HOMELESS SEX GOD - The Comedy Agency After the Melbourne Comedy Festival 2015, George returned to the UK, only for a catalogue of catastrophes to occur forcing him out of his house. Single, broke, and homeless, some say he has had the time of his life. 'His jokes are solid and his timing impeccable'.

The List (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 8 Jul 10:30pm to 11:30pm, 19 Jul 8:45pm to 9:45pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. HARRIET KEMSLEY: THE GIRL ON THE WRONG TRAIN - Harriet Kemsley Multi-award-winning rising star Harriet Kemsley brings her new show to Buxton Fringe. As seen doing stand up on The One Show and Radio 1.

Tour support for Katherine Ryan and Isy Suttie. 'A quirky, very funny new stand up'. 'Bursting with hilarious moments.' . The Student Newspaper (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 9 Jul 5:45pm to 6:45pm, 12 Jul 7:15pm to 8:15pm, 13 Jul 8:45pm to 9:45pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. HICKORY DICKORY MURDER - The Dead Secrets Intrigue, betrayal, secret identities and lost gemstones. Or other things entirely. Hickory Dickory Murder is an improvised Golden Age detective story in which award-winning comedy adventurers The Dead Secrets use audience suggestions to propel a world of untrustworthy characters through implausible plot twists towards the mystery's thrilling, unbelievable conclusion.

Underground Venues (10) 9 Jul 10:15pm to 11:15pm £8 (Child and Conc £7) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. JERRY SADOWITZ: COMEDIAN, MAGICIAN, PSYCHOPATH! - Jerry Sadowitz Why have cotton when you can have the full-blown tissue?

This guy continues to be copied by comedians all over the world. So why not see the real thing? 'The most exciting act in town'. 'Funniest comedian in Britain'.

'World class sleight of hand magician'. Evening Standard Arts Centre - Auditorium (74b) 9 Jul 7pm to 8pm - £17.50, Offensive comedy - over 18s only Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. JONNY PELHAM: FOOL'S PARADISE - The Comedy Agency Following his critically-acclaimed show Before and After, comes this new show from the BBC New Comedy Award finalist and nominee for Chortle Best Newcomer. Jonny Pelham thought he was happy, then he went to therapy and now he is not so sure.

The Sunday Times. The Scotsman (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 10, 11 Jul 8:45pm to 9:45pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. JULIET MEYERS: THE FLIPPING DOG HAS RUINED MY LIFE - Juliet Meyers This flipping rescue dog has ruined my life but he's here to stay.

A stand up/storytelling show about unconditional love, human and canine behaviour and peeing on things. 'Excellent material. Excellent with the audience'. 'Stand-up as it should be.' 'Smart and very funny'.

Independent (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 11 Jul 7:15pm to 8:15pm, 12 Jul 8:45pm to 9:45pm £8 (Child and Conc £7) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. JUST LIKE THAT! THE TOMMY COOPER SHOW - Hambledon Productions Tommy Cooper was a comic genius. His impeccable timing, misfiring magic and quick-fire gags made him an undisputed icon. Just Like That!, filled with music, magic and mirth, embarks on an UK tour after sell-out success at the West End's Museum Of Comedy. The perfect celebration of Britain's greatest comedian. Underground Venues (10) 6 Jul 5:15pm to 6:15pm, 9:45pm to 10:45pm £9 (Child and Conc £8), Ages 8+ Bookings via.

Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. THE KAGOOLS - Kagools Fresh from their hit Australian Tour, the UK silent comedy duo return with their new show. Expect the usual award-winning combination of physical comedy and interactive film as your weatherproofed guides take you on a new adventure.

'One of the outright funniest pieces of the entire festival'. TVBomb Underground Venues (10) 15 Jul 5:45pm to 6:30pm, 16, 17 Jul 3pm to 3:45pm £8 (Child and Conc £7) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. THE LATE NIGHT WITH BOABBY ROASTER (AND PRE-BOOKED GUEST/S) COMEDY TV SHOW LIVE - The Comedy Agency Broadcasting stalwart Boabby Roaster reluctantly hands over the reins of his chat show to young showbiz whipper-snapper, Jackie Allstar. Multimedia sketch comedy, featuring bizarre ad-breaks, behind the scenes shenanigans and oddball guests. From award-winning character comedians Andrew McBurney and Jack Kirwan, plus filmmaker Damien Hyde.

(New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 13 Jul 10pm to 11pm £8 (Child and Conc £7).CANCELLED. MAX & IVAN: OUR STORY - Max and Ivan It's time to get personal.

In an extraordinary true story, globe-trotting, multi-award-winning (including three Buxton Fringe Comedy Awards) Max & Ivan (BBC2's W1A, Radio 4's Casebook of Max & Ivan) introduce the world to two never-before-seen characters: themselves. Independent. Daily Mail.

Guardian. Metro (New Writing) Arts Centre - Studio (74a) 22 Jul 10:30pm to 11:30pm £9 (Child and Conc £8) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. MIKE SHEPHARD: ZAZOU! - Ten in a Bed / Mike Shephard Having written for BBC Radio 4's The News Quiz, NewsRevue and the award-winning Comedians Theatre Company, Mike tackles history, politics and popular culture with wit, rage and twisted logic in an hour of impeccable stand-up and improbable nonsense. As heard on talkSPORT and BBC Radio 4's the Today programme.

(New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 14 Jul 8:45pm to 9:45pm, 16 Jul 10:15pm to 11:15pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. MS SAMANTHA MANN'S STORIES ABOUT LOVE, DEATH & A RABBIT - Charles Adrian as Ms Samantha Mann The much-loved, award-winning spinster librarian returns to Buxton for the third time with her tales of love, loss and bad poetry. Winner of 'Merv' Spirit Of The Fringe Award at the 2014 Edinburgh Fringe.

'A minutely-observed comic creation.' The Scotsman. Incredibly clever. A class act.' Buxton Fringe Review Underground Venues (10) 19 & 23 Jul 5:45pm to 6:45pm £8 (Child and Conc £7), Ages 8+ Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available.

We were a full house and it seemed to me that the dank air of the cavernous venue became warm and fizzy with empathy and affection for adorable Samantha. It was fascinating to experience her gentle traverse of our boundaries and rulebooks, motley crowd that we were. Samantha left me feeling that we are each heroes for living our ordinary-extraordinary lives with our eyes open and our tentacles waving. I found myself wishing her 'good luck' as I collected my badge at the end, and I meant good luck not just with her show but with her brother, her Mum's suitcases, Angela's rabbit, Angela's travel tales, and everything. MS SAMANTHA MANN'S YOU BRING THE AGONY, I'LL BRING THE AUNT - Charles Adrian as Ms Samantha Mann Award-winning agony aunt in training Ms Samantha Mann takes time off from the library to address your dilemmas.

Anonymity guaranteed. All questions considered.

Tissues provided. Winner: 'Merv' Spirit Of The Fringe Award, Edinburgh 2014. 'A minutely observed comic creation.' The Scotsman. Incredibly clever.

A class act.' Buxton Fringe Review (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 18 & 20, 21 Jul 8:45pm to 9:30pm, 23 Jul 10:15pm to 11pm £8 (Child and Conc £7) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. NATHAN CASSIDY: 42 - The Rat Pack Productions Ltd / Nathan Cassidy Comedy Show Award-winner at the Buxton Fringe 2014 (and nominee 2015) brings you a stand-up show like no other. The audience chooses the set list from 42 options creating an infinite number of different shows and a quest for the meaning of life. 'A great comedian'. Broadway Baby (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 16 Jul 5:45pm to 6:45pm £8 (Child and Conc £7) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. NICK HALL: SZGRABBLE! - Nick Hall Comedian Nick Hall brings his one-man Cold War thriller to the Buxton Fringe.

In this fast-paced, energetic and hilarious multi-character show, Nick brings to life a vivid world of spying, suspense, seduction - and Scrabble! As seen on BBC2, BBC3 and BBC Radio 4. 'Crackingly original'. The List (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 9 Jul 9pm to 10pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. TENOR AND BARITONE - A MUSICAL COMEDY - Crimes Against Taste Tenor and Baritone is an eclectic evening of music and comedy, exploring the hilariously tragic lives of two aspiring opera singers (and a grumpy pianist!). Enjoy original material plus cover versions of well-known comic songs by artists such as Flanders and Swann, Tom Lehrer and the Monty Python team.

The Railway - The Signal Room (35) 14, 15 Jul 7:30pm to 9:30pm £10 (Conc £8), Adult themes, strong language Bookings via Opera House or Robert Webb. I remember shows from this line-up in 2012 and 2013! Good to see you back, I hope you've stopped being so cruel to Robert, he's not a bad piano player - look after him. Sam Slide THE TITLE OF THE SHOW IS TOO LONG FOR THE BROCHURE (1 HR SHOW) - Stuart Laws Stuart Laws is the guy who does all the comedy at Turtle Canyon Comedy and supported James Acaster on tour. He can't go into it now but this show is about the summer of 2001, puffins, breweries and timeshares. 'A chronically funny stand-up' Time Out (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 7 Jul 8:45pm to 9:45pm, 9 Jul 7:15pm to 8:15pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via.

Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. TWONKEY'S MUMBO JUMBO HOTEL - Paul Vickers AKA Mr Twonkey Stop the hotel from being flattened! Enter the legendary Twonkeyverse of puppeteer, songwriter and comic Paul Vickers. 'He creates wonderlands of weird'. Kate Copstick, The Scotsman.

Malcolm Hardee Award Nominee - Comic Originality. 'Completely bonkers charm'.

The Times. Edinburgh Fringe 2010-2015. Brighton Fringe 2012-2015. Prague Fringe 2015. Soho Theatre 2014-2015. (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 15 Jul 10:30pm to 11:30pm, 16 Jul 5:30pm to 6:30pm, 17 Jul 10pm to 11pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. THE BEAUTIFUL GAME - Next Door Dance A ballsy tribute to the nation's favourite sport! Five charismatic females capture the highs and lows of Britain's biggest obsession in this energetic ode to football and its fans.

Set against a backdrop of terrace classics, unforgettable commentary and amateur golden-goals, this show is 'better than the game itself'! (New Writing) Arts Centre - Studio (74a) 20 Jul 3:30pm to 4:15pm, 9:45pm to 10:30pm, 21 Jul 9:45pm to 10:30pm, 22 Jul 7:15pm to 8pm £8 (Child and Conc £7), Ages 8+ Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. COZY - Colin and Yozy Cozy brings together culture, art forms and emotion.


The show consists of original music that is put together with the use of a loop pedal, beat boxing, guitaring and singing, and is accompanied by Yozy's unique blend of dance styles. We also throw in a bit of speed painting!

(New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 8 & 10 Jul 4:30pm to 5:15pm, 11 Jul 5:45pm to 6:30pm £8 (Child and Conc £7) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. FILM FROM THE MEDIA ARCHIVE FOR CENTRAL ENGLAND (MACE) - Buxton Film The Media Archive for Central England (MACE) holds dozens of bits of film about Buxton and the surrounding area going back to the early 20th-century. Much of this hasn't been screened publicly for decades (if at all).

Buxton Film presents an intriguing and varied programme selected from the archive. Arts Centre - Studio (74a) 16 Jul 6:45pm to 7:30pm £3 Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available.

A PROGRAMME OF AWARD-WINNING SHORT FILMS - Buxton Film Buxton Film presents an entertaining, challenging and provocative mixture of short films. Some will have been nominated for Oscars, others will have been entered to our own annual short film competition - spot the difference! Expect a mixture of drama, comedy, and documentary for your enjoyment. More information at: (New Writing) Arts Centre - Studio (74a) 17 Jul 3:15pm to 4:45pm £3 Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. Follow these links to jump to a Category: For Families ARABIAN NIGHTS by Dominic Cooke - REC Youth Theatre Company Shahrazad has a wonderful gift, the gift of storytelling.

She can weave tales so magical and so dazzling, they can transport you to far-off lands populated by giant bees, singing trees and crafty thieves. But can her stories save her life? Join award-winning REC Youth Theatre on this magical adventure. Arts Centre - Studio (74a) 20, 21 & 23 Jul 6:15pm to 7:15pm £9 (Child and Conc £8), Ages 6+ Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. BABY LOVES DISCO - Baby Loves Disco UK Taking over Buxton's best nightclub for a unique family dayclubbing experience.

Obsession game rules

DJs mix nostalgic pop floor-fillers for parents and tots to party together. Free face-painting, crafts, balloons, games, dress-up, selfie booth and more. With free ice lollies and a licensed bar, it won't be just the little ones going gaga!

Level 2 Nightclub (99) 16 Jul 1pm to 3pm, 3:30pm to 5:30pm £8, No buggies allowed - ground floor storage available, Ages Children 0-6 with carers.CANCELLED. GRANNY GRUMP - 2 Boards & A Passion Theatre Company Maisie and George don't like visiting Grandma, better known as Granny Grump.

But one day, Grandma reveals a hidden secret; she used to be a superhero! Can the children help to bring back Daring Doris? An uplifting tale with original music exploring self-belief and the power of positive thinking! (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 9 & 16 Jul 1:30pm to 2:15pm, 17 Jul noon to 12:45pm £8 (Child and Conc £7), Ages 4+ Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. THESEUS & THE MAZE OF THE MINOTAUR - Buxton Drama League Pantomime in the summer?

Oh yes, it is! Greek myths and knockabout comedy collide in this panto-style adventure for all the family. Will the thigh-slapping Theseus win his mum's home back?

Will he fulfil his heroic destiny? And will he survive the terrifying Minotaur? It's behind you! (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 6 Jul 6:45pm to 7:45pm, 10, 16 & 23 Jul noon to 1pm £8 (Child and Conc £7), Ages All Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. ACOUSTIC CONNECTIONS WITH RAINTOWN SEERS - Raintown Seers After a successful 2015 - culminating at The Apex Theatre, Bury St Edmonds, opening for folk star Nancy Kerr - and a busy first-half of 2016 - playing folk clubs and festivals UK-wide - High Peak-based quartet Raintown Seers bring their popular Acoustic Connections show back to the Buxton Fringe.

Underground Venues (10) 16 Jul 2:30pm to 3:30pm, 21 Jul 7:15pm to 8:15pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. BLOODY LOVE SONGS - Darren Poyzer Captivating stories, delightful imagery, a joyful, emotive, rollercoaster tumble of a ride through relationships and the human condition.

Love promises something for everyone, but will it deliver? 'A true show-stopping finale'. Fringe Review 2015. 'One of my Fringe highlights'. Fringe Review 2014. (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 9 Jul 2:45pm to 4pm, 14 Jul 10pm to 11:15pm, 20 Jul 2:45pm to 4pm £8 (Child and Conc £7) Bookings via. Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70.

Other prices/discounts available. BLUESMAN MIKE FRANCIS - STORY OF THE BLUES - Bluesman Mike Francis Part of European Blues Awards showcase weekend, Bluesman Mike Francis on his 40th anniversary on the road, relates the Story of the Blues playing traditional and contemporary material. 'If Woody Guthrie and Robert Johnson were still around they'd probably sound like this guy'.

Martin Elliott, Rolling Stones Complete Recording Sessions Old Clubhouse (21) 17 Jul 3pm to 4:30pm, 8pm to 9:30pm £7 (Child and Conc £5) Bookings via Opera House. CANTEMOS - SUMMER SIZZLER - City of Manchester Opera Get in the holiday mood with COMO's evening of passionate Spanish-themed opera. Thrilling music from the Spanish Zarzuela genre. Tuneful, toe-tapping tunes and sweeping lyrical melodies.

Encompassing every emotion, this wonderful music has it all. Plus, Carmen, Don Giovanni, Fidelio, and Magic Flute, COMO's 2017 production. Buxton Methodist Church - Church (06a) 23 Jul 7:30pm to 10pm £10 (Child and Conc £8) Bookings via Opera House or or 72. CLOSER TO THE HEART - Hojo and Richard Jurgens - Black Eyed Dog Hojo returns after ten years with his inimitable brand of beautiful melodic folk. 'Reminiscent of Nick Drake and Roy Harper, his songs stand tall amongst those of these luminaries'.

Accompanied by flute player extraordinaire Richard Jurgens who has served his time with the Sheffield Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Philharmonic. Old Clubhouse (21) 21 Jul 9pm to 10pm. The Cheshire Cheese (93) 22 Jul 9pm to 10pm, 23 Jul 7:30pm to 8:30pm Free Further information: DENNIS POTTER - IN THE PRESENT TENSE - Project Adorno TV dramatist Dennis Potter was the ultimate Marmite figure: one minute delighting millions with The Singing Detective, the next causing outrage with Blackeyes. Electro-pop duo Project Adorno presents an ambient segue of original songs, samples and spoken-word, charting his journey from miner's cottage to international acclaim - and ultimate redemption. (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 16 Jul 1:15pm to 2pm, 17 Jul 8:45pm to 9:30pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via.

Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. AN EVENING WITH AFRICA'S LADY OF SONG - Margaret Ferguson, acc.

By Jonathan Ellis Expect another evening of opera, oratorio, lieder and songs from shows and musicals. Plus the usual humour and surprises. All presented with warmth and feeling with the outstanding voice of Margaret Ferguson. Come along and enjoy an evening with 'The Voice with a Personality'. Check her website at Buxton Methodist Church - Church (06a) 15 Jul 7:30pm to 9pm £10 (Child Free, Conc £8) Bookings via Opera House or or 07. EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE ORDINARY LIVES - Egriega Egriega sings 'Life is strange but wonderful'.

Acoustic music with cahunas. Always unique often lewd. Latest incarnation of the musician formerly known as Arthur Kadmon of Seventies' Manchester post-punk bands Ludus, Manicured Noise and the Distractions. Music that re-invents jazz, tango and funk into original music for this decade. (New Writing) Underground Venues (10) 7 Jul 5:45pm to 6:45pm, 9 Jul 1pm to 2pm, 10 Jul 4:15pm to 5:15pm £7 (Child and Conc £6) Bookings via.

Bookings (noon-3pm) & info: 70. Other prices/discounts available. NINE CHAMBER MUSICIANS ENTERTAIN - Cheshire Chamber Collective Two contrasting nonets together with a string trio and wind quintet make up this unusually scored chamber evening.

If you like the Beethoven Septet you'll love the nonet by his contemporary, Louise Farrenc. Gordon Jacob features along with Martinu's Nonet completing the evening. Experienced chamber musicians from Cheshire Sinfonia entertain. Buxton Methodist Church - Church (06a) 12 Jul 8pm to 10pm £10 (Child £2, Conc £8) Tickets on the door.

This entry was posted on 24.12.2019.