Chuck Muer Friends Program Blacklist


Vanished-Missing Great Lakes Boaters - Moderated Discussion Areas          Vanished-Missing Great Lakes Boaters AuthorTopic:   Vanished-Missing Great Lakes Boatersjeffs22outrageposted 10:20 AM ET (US)        Here is a local story about two Michigan boatsers.The boat was found running with the VHF on and all person effects aboard.Just goes to show that you never know what can happen on the water. Who knows if PFD's were on. Mostly not on a boat of that size.Knot at Workposted 11:20 AM ET (US)           Great Lakes Triangle?Pirates.??Buckdaposted 11:37 AM ET (US)           Went swimming? (Neutral gear) Not likely with the water temps and if it was rough.The boat had drifted N/E to the outer Les Cheneaux Islands (Marquette Island) which means that if they went in - they'll be somewhere along the southern shore of the eastern UP - perhaps as far East as DeTour. If they got caught in that current coming out of Superior - they should extend the recovery effort to the remote outer shore of Manitoulin Island.Theory: if conditions were getting rough, one could have been thrown from the boat, or they stopped to do something (stupid like urinating over the side, or off the swimming deck?) one could have gone overboard and the other gone in after to help.My dad sheltered a guy who washed up on his beach in Southern Lake Michigan about 4 or 5 years ago.

Chuck Muer Friends Program Blacklist Online

He was crossing in a similar sized boat, alone and hit a wave 'wrong', which caused him to hit his head on the windshield (breaking his cheekbone) and tossed him overboard. He couldn't climb back into the boat as the waves were rolling 6-7 footers and eventually he and the boat washed ashore on dad's rocky beach. The boat was pulverized and this poor guy climbs the 75-100 foot high, concrete-strewn bluff and shows up on Dad's back porch, bloody and incoherent.It happens.Sad though.DaveLHGposted 05:05 PM ET (US)        It sounds like a 'went swimming' or skinny dipping event to me, maybe just to cool off.


They obviously voluntarily left the boat. Swimming off an unanchored boat, in 60 degree open water, is very dangerous. Boats can drift away from you faster than you can swim. Add a few drinks into the equation, and you're in big trouble.Having cruised this area just recently, I can tell you it is where Lake Huron's coldest water is. Hypothermia can disable you fast, and a body goes to the bottom and stays down for a long time.

As in the Edmund Fitzgerald song, 'Superior they say, never gives up her dead.' That's because of the cold core temperature of the northern Great Lakes17 bodegaposted 05:36 PM ET (US)           If alcohol was involved, the danger of an overboard mishap is much greater. They look pretty drunk in the picture, so I hope they didn't try to swim.What a bummer. They look like a nice couple.minitauk85posted 05:37 PM ET (US)           Pretty common scenario- passenger decides to jump in to cool off, or falls in accidentally, skipper panics, puts the boat in neutral and jumps in for the save, unfortunately the boat blows or drifts away (higher profile than two in the water) and both are done for, horrible situation to be in.

I hope I'm wrong-kwhalerronposted 12:05 AM ET (US)           There was a similar incident on the upper Chesapeake Bay this past weekend but the boat and the 2 people were found. In this case, the boat had run aground. The two people on board got out of the boat and tried to push the boat off of the sandbar. Eventually they freed her but the whole time, the boat was in gear and running. Once the boat was free, it took off without them.

They tried to swim after it and one of the persons drowned.The only thing that makes any sense to me, in this case, is that they had the boat idling in reverse.home Asideposted 12:19 AM ET (US)           They found a floater on Lake Huron today in the area of Cheboygan, I believe they said it was a female, believed to be one of the two persons who were on board, both Lawyers from Grosse Pointe, Mi. Cruising out of Belle River, Ontario (on Lake St. Clair) for a weekend on Mackinac Island.they now have to go through the formality of identifying her positively.I agree with with previous comments re: hypothermia.a couple of years ago there was a guy who dove off his boat in Grand Traverse Bay, summer time, very cold water temperatures, suffered a coronary from the shock of the cold water and subsequently drowned.PatWHALER27CCposted 06:44 AM ET (US)           It hasn't been established whether or not alcohol was a factor. There have been some speculation of foul play. Either way its a shame, and hopefully it will work out for the best.jimhposted 08:35 AM ET (US)           Coast Guard Operations Summary:August 13, 2005D9: Overdue 27-foot Wellcraft - Rogers City to Mackinac Island, MIAir Station Traverse City and Station St. Ignace, with C-130 assistance from Canadian Regional Coordination Center Trenton are actively searching for two people possibly in the water in position 45-54.2N 084- 21.4W, near Bois Blanc Island, MI., in northern Lake Huron.

The 27ft Wellcraft departed Rogers City, MI., at 5:00 p.m. And was due to arrive at Mackinac Island, MI., later that evening.

After issuing an Urgent Marine Information Broadcast a sailing vessel reported seeing a boat that matched the description. Ignace arrived on scene and confirmed it was the missing boat.

The boat was found in good condition with the engine running in the neutral position. Personal items were onboard including one wallet and cell phones. A voyage history was derived from the GPS which showed a drift track from Forty Mile Point, MI., to the boat location.

The owner was not onboard and stated his daughter borrowed the boat and was with an adult male friend. Search efforts will continue through the evening. Case Pends.D9: Overdue 27-foot Wellcraft - Rogers City to Mackinac Island, Mich.Air Station Traverse City, Air Facility Muskegon, Station St. Ignace, USCGC Biscayne Bay, and a Canadian C-130 completed 14 sorties (missions) for a 35-year-old female and 34-year-old male with negative results.

After their 27 ft vessel was located, Station St. Ignace was able to determine the GPS route of vessel and last cell phone calls made by the female. Sector Sault Ste.

Marie put a timeline together which placed the couple close to Mackinaw Island on Thursday at 6:00 p.m. With the intent to moor at Mackinac Island marina around 7:00 p.m. Four pfd's were missing from the boat and a 40 ft line was in the water. Next of kin for the 35-year-old female has been notified, but next of kin for the 34-year-old male has been unreachable so far. Continued diligence to notify the 34-year-old male's family will be D9's responsibility. Case suspended.Source: 08:37 AM ET (US)           JimH-Much appreciated. Thank you.Peterjimhposted 11:06 AM ET (US)           has more recent information.jeffs22outrageposted 12:39 PM ET (US)           Hmmm, interesting how there was a line in the water.

I still think someone fell overboard and the other tried to save them. IMHO I think the guy when to have a pee off the swim platform when he lost his balance from a wave and went over. With the boat drifting faster than he could swim the girl jumped over with the line in hand to try and get to him. Keeping the line as a life line now knowing how fast the boating is drifting. I could be wrong but the people who really know are know gone.

Sad.Just goes to show that everyone on board should be shown where the PFD's are on the boat. How to operate and call a distress over the VHF. Know where the flares are. And at least start the boat and know how to put it in gear to manuever it. My wife and most of my friends who I bring on the boat have this knowledge. I often will have my wife and my good friends who I bring out alot drive the boat with me by thier side.

This is so they can operate it if something should happen to me.Buckdaposted 12:54 PM ET (US)           They never made it (or checked in) to Mackinac Island, right?Why did it take so long to get to Bois Blanc Island? (They were due to arrive at Mackinac Island at 6:00 PM) - and why was the GPS off? I'm wondering if we have the whole story on that front - Theory: if the GPS was running and indicated the courseline to Bois Blanc Island at 5:30 or so and then shut off until around 1:30 AM, it might indicate that they simply stopped and had dinner, perhaps anchored and took a nap in the lee of Bois Blanc Island before continuing on to Mackinac. When they turned on the boat and GPS to make a courseline to Mackinac, perhaps one fell overboard for whatever reason. The line-in-the-water theory that Jeff details above is plausible, since that's how I'd do it if I made the decision to go in after someone. But I'd first throw my lifering to see if the MOB could recover by themselves.It is a sad story no matter what.Davediveorfishposted 01:42 PM ET (US)           What are the conditions like there this time of year? Is there a strong current there?

Is the weather and water warm or cold?It would seem that reasonably healthy boaters could swim as fast as a drifting boat in a lake unless the weather was really bad or they were impaired in some way, especially if their lives were depending on it.I guess we may never know. How sad.I guess this tragedy could serve as an object lesson for our own boating procedures and safety precautions.LHGposted 02:34 PM ET (US)        If you've rescued someone in the water, and have your arm around their chest keeping them up, you can't swim very fast, if at all. A boat could easily drift away.The hard reality of it is if you're in a situation like this, you really can't afford to leave the boat and go in the water unless you are tethered to the boat. The boat is still the best chance of survival, and the boat should be manuevered right up to the person in the water to help them back aboard, or toss them a tethered cushion or jacket.

Even in dead calm water, a person who can handle the boat properly should be in it while others swim, if they must.It's also why short docklines on a boat are a waste of money. Everyone should have 25' lines. You never know when you'll need the extra length. And remember, the outboard engine is a great way to climb back into a boat, using the anti-ventilation plate to stand up on, bear hugging the powerhead if necessary.This is why they always say in a mishap, STAY WITH THE BOAT, even if it's overturned. It's also why we buy Whalers, since overturned, they won't sink out from under you.One more thing - own Class I life jackets and have at least two on board for situations like this.

They REALLY keep you afloat and protect you, like the other's don'tBuckdaposted 03:41 PM ET (US)           DOF -We're talking about Lake Huron here, not some small inland lake. The position where the GPS track started at 1:30 AM the morning of their disappearance is somewhat in the lee of the Straits of Mackinac, where Lakes Michigan and Huron meet.

February 9, 2006 Charley's Crab and the death of Chuck MuerChuck Muer grew up in Michigan and opened a restaurant there in October of 1964. Later, he opened a restaurant named Charley's Crab in Palm Beach, Florida. Their seafood is indescribably good and I've been scarfing meals at the Charley's Crab in Palm Beach for over a decade. Predictably, word about the food leaked out, so more Charley's Crabs popped up in South Florida like mushrooms after a spring rain.The tragedy is the story of poor Chuck's demise. Here's a guy that had everything to live for. Here's a guy that was making money hand over fist, living in Palm Beach Florida. Bought a sweet 40 foot boat and named it 'Charley's Crab'.

He sailed back and forth between the Bahamas, which is pretty much the thing to do on the Treasure Coast.In the summer, crossing over to the Bahamas is a cake walk. You could cross over to Grand Bahama Island in a 14 foot flat bottom boat with an outboard and a few jerry cans of gas. Plenty of people make the crossing without the aid of a GPS receiver.

My brother-in-law said he and his brother used to do it all the time with nothing more than a compass. Accounting for the Gulf Stream, they'd just head East South-East for 4 hours across the open ocean in a 20 foot boat and watch for Memory Rock on the horizon.In the winter, the seas are rough, but in the summer, unless there's a hurricane, the oceans are generally calm and the crossing is a cake walk.Chuck Muer had a big boat. A 40 foot boat is a large boat. Now, I know, there are bigger boats.

However rich you think you are, South Florida can be an humbling place. You pull into the dock and some guy next to you anchors his yacht and he's got rescue boats the size of your boat hanging from cranes over the stern of his vessel. But a 40 foot boat is a big boat. I've made the crossing more times I can count in boats ranging from 27 feet to cruise ships. But a 40 foot boat is a large boat and is certainly capable of making the crossing in anything shy of a full-blown hurricane.On March 13th of 1993, Charles and Betty Muer and their friends George and Lynn Drummey attempted to cross back from the Bahamas when a freak storm blew up. The storm hit much more quickly, further South, and with greater intensity than had been forecasted. By the time the freak March storm left Florida, it had and done $500 million in damages.

Then Governor wrote a scathing letter lambasting the National Weather Service for their poor forecasting.Chuck Muer's party had probably nearly completed the crossing before they heard any forecast of an impending storm on their marine radio. By the time they knew of the storm, it was too late. Battling in the pre-dawn blackness, Chuck Muer placed two calls at 4:25 a.m. And 4:27 a.m. To Palm Beach County's emergency center.

But each time, there was only the crackle of static on the line.They never found a trace from the wreck, and they searched like it mattered. They mounted a massive search and rescue operation, because the guy was as rich as Croesus, so they searched for him like it mattered.

Chuck Muer Death

This wasn't a Coast Guard search for a Hatian clinging to a palm tree in the Gulf Stream. This was a 'Holy Sh1t a jillionaire is missing calling-all-cars search-and-rescure' and they never found a trace of him. Nada.Later, the freak storm would be called the ', the ', or the 'Storm With No Name'. (This was not the 'Perfect Storm' of October 1991 that sank the Andrea Gail.)In the aftermath of the tragic deaths, we are predictably left with a cacaphony of reverberating wrongful death lawsuits revolving around and the. In September of 2002, that dreadful blight of corporate cuisine known as.Rest In Peace Chuck Muer, Betty Muer, George Drummey, and Lynn Drummey.Update:Posted by Peenie Wallie on February 9, 2006 at 9:42 AMComments. I worked for Chuck Muer Restaurants for almost 20 years as Payroll Administrator for his Pittsburgh restaurant. Chuck was the kind of guy who might have been rich but he was approachable.down to earth and you could talk to him.

Chuck Muer Friends Program Blacklist 2017

When he came to town, he made the time to listen and talk to anyone who came up to him whether it was a manager or a dishwasher. In his restaurants all employees and their jobs were important. I can still recall that day, March 13th, 1993 when one of our new Vice Presidents got off the phone and told me of Chuck's disappearance.

Even months after that we half expected him to walk in the restaurant at any time. Tillman Fertitta could never fill Chuck Muer's shoes, I don't care how many restaurants he buys up.

It's not the same since Landry's took over. They are all about the money.Chuck was all about the customer, the employees and the best service we could provide.My heart still goes out to the Muer and Drummey families on their loss.Posted by: Adrienne Franco on April 8, 2007 at 3:51 PM.

Barbara, I did a cruise in the out-islands of the Bahamas on Charley's Crab in 1982, and Dick and Ellie Davidson were our skipper and first mate. They were fantastic people. We had tons of fun with them, cruising the peaceful waters on the lee side of all the islands.I remember that Dick loved African drumming, and we listened to all his tapes.

We also heard a lot of hilarious stories about his career in advertising.One night we were moored in the channel off the coast of a little uninhabited island, cooking dinner on deck. There were a couple of other boats moored closer in toward shore, and their crews were also cooking on deck.

At a certain point, Dick looked at his watch and said, 'Watch this.' The crews of the other boats were suddenly attacked by swarms of marauding mosquitoes, and everyone scrambled for cover. Being further offshore, we had a nice breeze to blow the bugs away. Dick knew his stuff.At the end of the trip, Chuck and Betty Muer showed up, and Chuck insisted on taking the boat outside, into the open waters of the Atlantic. Dick was not thrilled with this plan. My wife and I were utterly seasick and miserable.Posted by: Michael Krugman on September 24, 2008 at 9:16 PM. I think it was the second week of September 2010 that I was at Charley's Crab in Troy, MI, and the waitress said, 'Hope to see you soon' as I left.Two weeks later, my fiance' told me she'd heard from her mom that it had closed.

The scant details that I could find on the internet stated that the waitstaff weren't even told of this stupid move by Landry's, showing up for work, only to find none. I previously knew nothing of Landry's, but had a bad feeling when they started making their presence known by taking over the Muer Friends program. Now I know the feeling was very valid. You hit the nail on the head. Landry's sucks.Posted by: Kurt Snyder on October 8, 2010 at 11:59 AM. Name:Email Address:(this will not be displayed)URL:Remember Me?Yes NoComments:(you may use HTML tags for style)Type the word Alabraska to verify you're a person and not a program. This is not case sensitive.

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This entry was posted on 25.12.2019.