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  1. Rar File Unpacker

Attention, Internet Explorer UserAnnouncement: Jive has discontinued support for Internet Explorer 7 and below.In order to provide the best platform for continued innovation, Jive no longer supports Internet Explorer 7.Jive will not function with this version of Internet Explorer. Please consider upgrading to a more recent version of Internet Explorer, or trying another browser such as Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome.(Please remember to honor your company's IT policies before installing new software!).

Wise Unpacker Guidownload Documentation 3,8/5 5465votesHi guys, I am currently working on a capacity planning and evaluation report trying to use SAP standard objects or functions. So far I was testing and analyzing the following ABAP-Classes: CLPRPLCAPWCPERIODAREA CLPRPLCAPWCPERIODHELPER CLPRPLCAPACITYLOAD CLPRPLCAPACITYLOADFEEDER CLPRPLCONSTANTS CLPRPLCONSTANTSCAPA CLPRPLDAYSSUPPLYFEEDER CLPRPLSALESORDDELAYFEEDER I am able to show capacity evaluation tables (standard + detailed view) as seen in CM0X-transactions based on a complex and rich selection-screen (using class framework CLPRPLCAPACITYLOAD).Heuristic WISE -Setup Unpacker. But the problem that it's not being updated, or having a gui for it from windows. Multi Unpacker is a free tool that can recursively. Ewise.zip: EWISE 2002 - WISE Setup Unpacker: 109405: 2002-07-01. (with Codec DLL 3.08 and documentation) 135504: 2002-05-30.

Win32 GUI Unpacker for ZIP/RAR.The next goal to achieve is to provide dispatching/reallocating functions as you see in the capacity leveling section of SAP ECC (e.g. Transactions CM22/CM23/CM28). I have now reached a certain point, from where I don't know how to go ahead. The question that comes up now is are the classes capable of providing such functions?

From a technical viewpoint (using and handling the class methods) I don't know how to go on. Or if there generally is any function for it. Is somebody of you familiar with the classes I mentioned above?Are there any other systematical approaches to access capacity (evaluation) data and handle it via dispatching/deallocating or deleting (preferably SAP standard objects or function modules, function groups)?

Best regards Stefan. The requirement is to create an Inbound IDOC in the same system. The input data can be from an input file with values in it.

We can create a custom program and call function module 'IDOCINBOUNDWRITETODB' to create the Inbound IDOC. Populating the Data Record: DATA: lstMATHEAD TYPE E1segment1, lstKEY TYPE E1segment2, DATA: liidocdata TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF edidd, lwidocdata TYPE edidd. CONSTANTS: lcMATHEAD TYPE edilsegtyp VALUE 'HEAD', lcKEY TYPE edilsegtyp VALUE 'KKEY'. Header Populate lwidocdata-sdata. Lwidocdata-hlevel = 01. Lwidocdata-segnam =.APPEND lwidocdata TO liidocdata. CLEAR: lwidocdata.

Item LOOP AT. Populate lwidocdata-sdata. Lwidocdata-hlevel = 02.Lwidocdata-segnam =. APPEND lwidocdata TO liidocdata. CLEAR: lwidocdata.

Populating the Control Record: Getting the name of the current logical system we are working in: CALL FUNCTION 'OWNLOGICALSYSTEMGET' IMPORTING OWNLOGICALSYSTEM = lvlogsys. IF SY-SUBRC 0. Lwedidc-SNDPRN = lwedidc-rcvprn = lvlogsys.Lwedidc-status = '64'. Lwedidc-direct = '2'.Lwedidc-stdmes = 'ARTMAS'.


Lwedidc-mestyp = 'ARTMAS'. SELECT single sndprt FROM edp21 INTO lsndprt WHERE sndprn = lvlogsys AND mestyp = ‘ARTMAS’ AND mescod = ' AND mesfct = '.IF sy-subrc EQ 0.

Recedidc-rcvprt = lsndprt. Recedidc-sndprt = lsndprt.

Lwedidc-idoctp = 'ARTMAS05'. Lwedidc-rcvpor = maintained in Set lwedidc-sndpor = maintained in Set 3.Call the IDOC creating Function module: DATA: lwedids TYPE edids, lvsysubrc TYPE sysubrc. CALL FUNCTION 'IDOCINBOUNDWRITETODB' EXPORTING pistatusmessage = lwedids IMPORTING pestateofprocessing = lvsysubrc TABLES tdatarecords = liidocdata CHANGING pccontrolrecord = lwedidc EXCEPTIONS idocnotsaved = 1 OTHERS = 2. Why did we get the issues One great security action on our systems last year was to delete and optimize hundreds of old and unsecure programs. But after that huge clean-up campaign we sometimes got shortdumps of type LOADPROGRAMNOTFOUND on our production system.

The reason was, that someone had called an existing transaction, where the assigned report has been deleted. This happens, because you can delete reports in SE38/SE80 that are assigned to a tcode in table TSTC. There is no check like a where-used list for that.So I designed a report to list and optionally delete custom tcodes from tstc, where an assigned type 1 executable report is missing. Get tcodes from database with missing type 1 reports.

Left outer JOIN get TCODE/REPORT couples SELECT ttcode tpgmna pprogname FROM tstc AS t LEFT OUTER JOIN reposrc AS p ON pprogname = tpgmna INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE xttc WHERE tpgmna NE space AND tcinfo EQ xkcinfo80. 'Type 1 only. Delete entries for existing reports DELETE xttc WHERE progname NE space.First all couples of tcodes and report names are merged in a left outer join of tables TSTC and REPOSRC. We nned those entries, where the join doesn't find entries in tables REPOSRC.Therefore all entries, where the program name is filled from table REPOSRC, are not of interest, In our internal table we now have all tcode entries with missing type 1 reports. The Magician Raymond Feist Pdf. List all custom tcodes with missing type 1 reports CLEAR xvcount. Sorted list of tcodes without existing reports SORT xttc.

LOOP AT xttc ASSIGNING. CHECK -tcode(1) CA 'YZ' 'Custom namespace OR -tcode(5) EQ '/OWN/'. 'Own namespace ADD 1 TO xvcount.WRITE: /1 -tcode COLOR COLKEY, -pgmna. Xvtcode = -tcode.

HIDE xvtcode.CLEAR xvtcode. IF xvcount EQ 0. WRITE: /1 text-ndt COLOR COLTOTAL.' No transaction to delete can be found ENDIF. AT LINE-SELECTION. IF NOT xvtcode IS INITIAL.CALL FUNCTION 'RSTOOLACCESS' EXPORTING operation = 'CROSSREF' objectname = xvtcode objecttype = 'TRAN'. For we only want to delete custom tcodes or tcodes of our own namespace, we can list all found tcodes in a loop and check for the right prefix.The purple marked lines have to be adjusted in other systems.At line selection the where-used list of each tcode can be called.

Option to delete tcodes via SE80 and transport request (with break option) PARAMETERS: xpdel TYPE flag AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT space.' Delete option. Delete TCODE via SE80 IF xpdel EQ 'X'.

CALL FUNCTION 'RSTOOLACCESS' EXPORTING operation = 'DELETE' objectname = -tcode objecttype = 'TRAN' withobjectlist = 'X'.CALL FUNCTION 'POPUPTOCONFIRM' EXPORTING titlebar = text-h01 'Tcode deletion process textquestion = text-q01 'Continue with next tcode? Displaycancelbutton = space IMPORTING answer = xvanswer EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 0. IF xvanswer NE '1'. Normally we will run this programm in list mode without update first to see the result.

If the result seems okay, whe can start it with the delete option.This is within the list loop. To delete the tcode function RSTOOLACCESS (behaves like SE80) is called.This deletion will be added to a transport request. After each deletion there is the posibility to leave the loop, 4. The complete report REPORT zschecktcodeprog. TYPES: BEGIN OF xtc, tcode TYPE tcode, pgmna TYPE programid, progname TYPE progname, END OF xtc.DATA: xvanswer TYPE string. DATA: xvcount TYPE i. DATA: xvtcode TYPE tcode.

DATA: xttc TYPE TABLE OF xtc. CONSTANTS: xkcinfo80 TYPE syhex01 VALUE '80'.FIELD-SYMBOLS TYPE xtc. PARAMETERS: xpdel TYPE flag AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT space.' Delete option START-OF-SELECTION. CLEAR xvcount. Left outer JOIN get TCODE/REPORT couples SELECT ttcode tpgmna pprogname FROM tstc AS t LEFT OUTER JOIN reposrc AS p ON pprogname = tpgmna INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE xttc WHERE tpgmna NE space AND tcinfo EQ xkcinfo80. Delete entries for existing reports DELETE xttc WHERE progname NE space.

Sorted list of tcodes without existing reports SORT xttc. LOOP AT xttc ASSIGNING. CHECK -tcode(1) CA 'YZ' 'Custom namespace OR -tcode(5) EQ '/OWN/'.' Own namespace ADD 1 TO xvcount. WRITE: /1 -tcode COLOR COLKEY, -pgmna. Xvtcode = -tcode. HIDE xvtcode.

CLEAR xvtcode. Delete TCODE via SE80 IF xpdel EQ 'X'.CALL FUNCTION 'RSTOOLACCESS' EXPORTING operation = 'DELETE' objectname = -tcode objecttype = 'TRAN' withobjectlist = 'X'. CALL FUNCTION 'POPUPTOCONFIRM' EXPORTING titlebar = text-h01 'Tcode deletion process textquestion = text-q01 'Continue with next tcode?Displaycancelbutton = space IMPORTING answer = xvanswer EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 0. IF xvanswer NE '1'.IF xvcount EQ 0. WRITE: /1 text-ndt COLOR COLTOTAL.'

No transaction to delete can be found ENDIF. AT LINE-SELECTION. IF NOT xvtcode IS INITIAL. CALL FUNCTION 'RSTOOLACCESS' EXPORTING operation = 'CROSSREF' objectname = xvtcode objecttype = 'TRAN'.We have deleted nearly 150 custom tcodes in this way. Possible Enhancements For this sample program is for type 1 executable reports only, you also may have to find tcodes for module pools and function groups.Then you need to change the selection on field TSTCT-CINFO (remove the X80 limitation).

Further remaining issues After deletion of the tcode the transaction can't be called anymore. But it may be still assigned to some menus or in the favourites. For this may be different between DEV and PROD systems I still have no solution for it. Prerequisites: Basic Knowledge on Workflow Summary: In this scenario we use a workflow step when an inbound delivery is created. The workflow is routed to a Buyer who can approve or reject the request. If the Workflow is approved a PGR is created.We encountered a case where the PGR could also be done manually before the Workflow approval.In such cases the User Decision Step which was waiting for buyer to approve should be cancelled.

Process: Create a fork with one branch having the User Decision Step and its subsequent steps. In the other branch Create “Wait for Event “Step with the Event which should be caught by the Object. In this scenario we are capturing the Event when a PGR is done for a Inbound Delivery. We use a process control step once the event is triggered and the Workitem in the user’s inbox gets cancelled and will not show up in the inbox/UWL.

The Workflow Template is as shown below: Testing the Process: Create a inbound delivery which will trigger a approval to the Buyer. The Workitem can be seen in the Buyer's inbox.Goto Transaction VL32N and Press Post Goods Reciept to create a Goods Movement. Check the Buyer's inbox after fews seconds.

The Approval Workitem would have disappeared from the Inbox / UWL. Playing With ActiveX in ABAP Introduction: In this document i will show you how to access your webcam in ABAP CFW via ActiveX controls and I will give you idea how to play with ActiveX. Requirement: Access Webcam/media player or any thing in ABAP via ActiveX.I'd seen some issue and decided to write a document. Issue: customer wants everything on ABAP screen not 3rd party eg. 1) On security gate they want capture visitors photo but only ABAP screen 2) In Weighment system access/read COM port data but via ABAP only 3) RDP server get connected client IP some times just for playing with ABAP means media player and other. Solution: 1) You can create your own ActiveX control in VB6.0, VB.net / C# - or download free available ActiveX. 2) Register it via Regsvr32 /u /s 3) Create your proxy class for our ActiveX control by inheriting CFW class CLGUICONTROL and access methods.

4) Create your ABAP program and use your class and show your activeX For understanding whole process please read blog by - Example: Access Webcam in ABAP - 1) ( d ue to some company policy restriction ) Here for ActiveX i'm gonna used already developed activeX -just download and install it even you don't need to regist er it.2) Create your Proxy class yclguiwebcam- download it from My GitHub 3) Create your program yguiwebcam - download it from My GitHub Download - Run your program - Just Try It and Enjoy You can also try it with your Media Player. This document stems from the document which explains use of field symbols, data references and creating a dynamic internal table as a transpose of an internal table using clalvtablecreate=createdynamictable. Exploring into the much recommended RTTS method, I have found that not only is it more powerful but that it is more simpler than the old method.

I will be using the same example as mentioned in the previous document to explain the use of RTTS. As already mentioned, creation and population of dynamic internal table can be done in three steps. Creating structure. Creating dynamic internal table from this structure.

Populating the table. While using the old technique (clalvtablecreate=createdynamictable,), the first step was fulfilled by creating a field catalog and the second step using the above mentioned method call. When creating dynamic table using RTTS, the first and second steps can be done using the methods provided by RTTS. Before going into the details, I shall brief you very shortly on RTTS and its methods. In ABAP Objects, there is a class-based concept called Run Time Type Information (RTTI) that you can use to determine type attributes at run time. The methods used in this class replaces statements like describe table, describe field etc.

Another concept Run time Type Creation (RTTC) was added to the above to create data of any type dynamically.Both these together comprise the RTTS (Run time Type Services). The RTTS contains a hierarchy of classes having attributes and methods that are used to perform these dynamic functions, which could be to get the attributes of a data object at run time or to create a data object dynamically. Lets see our scenario again. We have an internal table ITDEMO containing three columns – vendor name (vend), Month(month), Amount Due(amt).

TYPES: BEGIN OF gfirsttyp, vend( 6 ) TYPE c, month( 5 ) TYPE c, amt TYPE i. TYPES: END OF gfirsttyp. Input table declarations DATA: itzdemo TYPE TABLE OF gfirsttyp, wazdemo LIKE LINE OF itzdemo. VENDOR MONTH AMOUNT DUE V100 Jan 100 V100 Feb 250 V200 Feb 216 V300 Feb 550 V200 Mar 200 V300 Mar 310 V100 Apr 145 V100 May 350 V200 May 600 V300 May 200 V400 May 800 We need to create something like a transpose for this table dynamically.The output should look like this. VENDOR JAN13 FEB13 MAR13 APR13 MAY13 V100 100 250 145 350 V200 216 200 600 V300 550 310 200 V400 800 Step 1 – Create Structure. The RTTI contains attributes and methods that are used in this hierarchy of classes to get the property of variables whether it is a field or structure or table or an object instance of a class, at run time. All these methods and attributes belong to the super class clabaptypedescr.For our purpose, we shall be using the method describebydata to get the data type attribute of a field in the input table.

We shall be calling this method from the class clabapdatadescr, since the destination variable is an object type ref to clabapdatadescr. As we are calling the method of parent class from inherited class, we should use the casting operator ‘?=’, rather than the simple assignment operator ‘=’, to avoid any type cast error.Lscomponent-type?= clabapdatadescr=describebydata( wazdemo-vend ). Here the data type attributes of the field wazdemo-vend which is declared as a six character variable will be passed to lscomponent-type which is data reference pointing to an object of type clabapdatadescr. This is the first column of the dynamic table. DATA: lscomponent TYPE clabapstructdescr=component, gtcomponent TYPE clabapstructdescr=componenttable.Lscomponent-name = 'VEND'. Lscomponent- type?= clabapdatadescr=describebydata( wazdemo-vend ). APPEND lscomponent TO gtcomponent.

The rest of the columns are fields Jan, Feb containing the amount for that month depending on the data of the input table. (Refer the input table example shown above to understand better).Loop through the internal table creating a column for every distinct month in the internal table LOOP AT itzdemo INTO wazdemo.

Search the component table if the month column already exists. READ TABLE gtcomponent INTO lscomponent WITH KEY name = wazdemo-month.IF sy-subrc NE 0. The name of the column would be the month and the data type would be same as the amount field of internal table. Lscomponent-name = wazdemo-month.

Lscomponent- type?= clabapdatadescr=describebydata( wazdemo-amt ). APPEND lscomponent TO gtcomponent. CLEAR: lscomponent, wazdemo.Now we have the components of the structure and the table.

To create the structure we shall be using the method in RTTC. Methods in RTTC were added to the RTTS type classes to facilitate the creation of types at runtime. To create the structure, we shall be using the static method create in the class clabapstructdescr. DATA: grstructtyp TYPE REF TO clabapdatadescr.Grstructtyp?= clabapstructdescr=create( pcomponents = gtcomponent ). Step 2 – Create Table. To create a table, first we create the table type from the structure created above.

Wise Unpacker Gui Downloads

For this, we use the static method create of the clabaptabledescr. DATA: grdyntabletyp TYPE REF TO clabaptabledescr. Grdyntabletyp = clabaptabledescr=create( plinetype = grstructtyp ).

Once the table type is created, we instantiate a reference variable to point to data object of this table type. Dynamic Table Declarations DATA: gtdyntable TYPE REF TO data, gwdynline TYPE REF TO data, CREATE DATA gtdyntable TYPE HANDLE grdyntabletyp.

Similarly a reference variable of the structure is also created from the structure created as a work area of the table. CREATE DATA gwdynline TYPE HANDLE grstructtyp. Step 3 - Populate internal table. Now our dynamic table is alive and we just need to populate the data.This is done the same way it was done in the earlier document. You access each cell of the table using field symbols. Refer the above document for more information on field symbols and data references. Populate the dynamic table LOOP AT itzdemo INTO wazdemo.

Avoid duplicate entries for key field Vendor. READ TABLE INTO WITH KEY ( 'VEND' ) = wazdemo-vend. IF sy-subrc = 0.if is ASSIGNED.

ASSIGN COMPONENT 'VEND' OF STRUCTURE TO.if is ASSIGNED. = wazdemo-vend. Autodesk autocad structural detailing 2011 / 32 bit keygen wl download.

LOOP AT gtcomponent INTO lscomponent.IF lscomponent-name = 'VEND'. READ TABLE itzdemo WITH KEY vend = wazdemo-vend month = lscomponent-name INTO wazdemo1. IF sy-subrc = 0. ASSIGN COMPONENT lscomponent-name OF STRUCTURE TO. IF IS ASSIGNED.

= wazdemo1-amt. CLEAR: wazdemo1.CLEAR: wazdemo, wazdemo1. Display the contents of dynamic table in ALV The contents of the dynamic internal table can be displayed using the factory method in clsalvtable. Clsalvtable=factory( IMPORTING rsalvtable = losalvtable CHANGING ttable = ).CATCH cxsalvmsg. Losalvtable-display( ).

Complete Code.&-.& Report ZDYNAMICTABLE.&-. REPORT zdynamictablertts.Author: Susmitha Susan Thomas TYPE -POOLS: slis. TYPES: BEGIN OF gfirsttyp, vend( 6 ) TYPE c, month( 5 ) TYPE c, amt TYPE i. TYPES: END OF gfirsttyp. Input table declarations DATA: itzdemo TYPE TABLE OF gfirsttyp, wazdemo LIKE LINE OF itzdemo, wazdemo1 LIKE LINE OF itzdemo. Dynamic Table Declarations DATA: gtdyntable TYPE REF TO data, gwdynline TYPE REF TO data, gwdynline1 TYPE REF TO data.

Field Symbold Declaration FIELD -SYMBOLS:, TYPE STANDARD TABLE. RTTS Declaratoins. DATA: grstructtyp TYPE REF TO clabapdatadescr, grdyntabletyp TYPE REF TO clabaptabledescr, lscomponent TYPE clabapstructdescr=component, gtcomponent TYPE clabapstructdescr=componenttable. SALV Declarations.

DATA: locols TYPE REF TO clsalvcolumns, losalvtable TYPE REF TO clsalvtable, locolumn TYPE REF TO clsalvcolumn, colname( 30 ), coldesc( 20 ). Populate the initial input table. Usually this input table contents will be populated at run time, which raises the requirement of dynamic table. The table contents are filled here for illustration purpose.

Perform filltable using: 'V100' 'JAN' '100', 'V100' 'FEB' '250', 'V200' 'FEB' '200', 'V300' 'FEB' '150', 'V200' 'MAR' '250', 'V300' 'MAR' '300', 'V100' 'APR' '200', 'V100' 'MAY' '100', 'V200' 'MAY' '50', 'V300' 'MAY' '125', 'V400' 'MAY' '475'. WRITE: / 'Initial Internal Table', /.WRITE:/( 6 ) 'Vendor',( 12 ) 'Month', ( 3 ) 'Amt'. LOOP AT itzdemo INTO wazdemo. WRITE:/ wazdemo-vend, wazdemo-month, wazdemo-amt. Create structure of dynamic internal table - Vendor Jan13 Feb13 Mar13. Lscomponent-name = 'VEND'.

Lscomponent- type?= clabapdatadescr=describebydata( wazdemo-vend ).APPEND lscomponent TO gtcomponent.Loop through the internal table creating a column for every distinct month in the internal table LOOP AT itzdemo INTO wazdemo. Search the component table if the month column already exists.READ TABLE gtcomponent INTO lscomponent WITH KEY name = wazdemo-month.

IF sy-subrc NE 0. The name of the column would be the month and the data type would be same as the amount field of internal table.Lscomponent-name = wazdemo-month.

Lscomponent- type?= clabapdatadescr=describebydata( wazdemo-amt ). APPEND lscomponent TO gtcomponent. CLEAR: lscomponent, wazdemo.

Grstructtyp?= clabapstructdescr=create( pcomponents = gtcomponent ). Grdyntabletyp = clabaptabledescr=create( plinetype = grstructtyp ). CREATE DATA: gtdyntable TYPE HANDLE grdyntabletyp, gwdynline TYPE HANDLE grstructtyp, gwdynline1 TYPE HANDLE grstructtyp.ASSIGN gtdyntable-. TO. ASSIGN gwdynline-. TO.

ASSIGN gwdynline1-. TO. Populate the dynamic table. LOOP AT itzdemo INTO wazdemo. Avoid duplicate entries for key field Vendor. READ TABLE INTO WITH KEY ( 'VEND' ) = wazdemo-vend. IF sy-subrc = 0.if is ASSIGNED.

ASSIGN COMPONENT 'VEND' OF STRUCTURE TO.if is ASSIGNED.= wazdemo-vend. LOOP AT gtcomponent INTO lscomponent.IF lscomponent-name = 'VEND'. READ TABLE itzdemo WITH KEY vend = wazdemo-vend month = lscomponent-name INTO wazdemo1. IF sy-subrc = 0. ASSIGN COMPONENT lscomponent-name OF STRUCTURE TO.IF IS ASSIGNED. = wazdemo1-amt.

CLEAR: wazdemo1. CLEAR: wazdemo, wazdemo1. Clsalvtable=factory( IMPORTING rsalvtable = losalvtable CHANGING ttable = ). CATCH cxsalvmsg. get columns object locols = losalvtable-getcolumns( ).Individual Column Names LOOP AT gtcomponent INTO lscomponent.

Colname = lscomponent-name.Locolumn = locols-getcolumn( colname ). ' setmediumtext( coldesc ).

Rar File Unpacker

Locolumn-setoutputlength( 10 ). CATCH cxsalvnotfound.' #EC NOHANDLER ENDTRY. display table losalvtable-display( ). FORM filltable USING pfld1 TYPE gfirsttyp-vend pfld2 TYPE gfirsttyp-month pfld3 TYPE gfirsttyp-amt. Clear wazdemo. Wazdemo-vend = pfld1.Wazdemo-month = pfld2.

Wazdemo-amt = pfld3. APPEND wazdemo TO itzdemo. 'FILLTABLE Output Acknowledgements The figures of RTTS class hierarchy were taken from the TAW study material.The standard behavior of ECC when running a ALV report in background of sending the output to spool, which of course can be converted to a html table or plain text file, is slightly frustrating. What most end user would like is the results in a spread sheet. Of course many solutions are possible but the approach I most recently took was to develop a ALV scheduler program by which I mean a program that will run any other program that outputs an ALV and save the ALV contents to an excel readable format. This new program then either saves this content to the server or emails it to a specified address.As the program is quiet versatile, being able to extract any ALV, I thought I could share it as it may be of use to others. The file format I have used is the xml for excel format and the reason for this choice was the easy integration of this format using the class CLSALVEXPORTDBSTORAGE.

Although, xml may not be the first format the springs to mind when you think spreadsheet I found that most users don't really care as long as the file open with excel and this is what will happen with the xml excel file due to the processing instructions given you have a fairly standard windows setup with office. In the future I would like to add the option to save the output to xlsx using the really nice looking set of classes from but I'm not sure when it will be finished.Anyway, for anyone whose interested the code is attached as three text files. One for the main program, one for the top include and one for the forms. I had also wanted to attach a Nugget file generated using SAPlink but I'm getting an error that they content type is not permitted. So here's an example of how it works. In this example, I want to run the same program ZSPBOREPORT twice but with different variants. So I enter my program name twice in the first select options Then in the second select options we enter the variants with which we want each run of the program to be executed Then on the rest of the selection screen we specify that we want the output of the different ALVs saved as sheets of one file rather than separate files and also that we want the sheets named after the variants.We also give a name to our file.

Finally in the lowest box we specify that we want to save to the server rather than email out the results and we specify the path where we would like the file saved. Then once we execute we have a file that looks like this: Of course the point of this program is not to run it in foreground but to run it in the background.

This does add another level of abstraction or complexity as we have to schedule this ALV background program to run other program to extract their data in the background. However, I have found that the slight increase in complexity is more than compensated for by the user friendly format the data comes out in.That's about everything. I hope it is of use to someone.

Hello, For Spain, there is a standard transaction that allow you generate the monthly declaration called M340. The standard transaction is SE4A94000356 - Report RFIDESM340 This transaction generates a report that is not totally complete, because the Interval columns are not populated, due to an absence of a counter dependent on the client business requirements.

This entry was posted on 29.12.2019.