Jim Schmitz Olympic Style Weightlifting Program For Pregnancy


01-08 Junior Worlds Attention!All weights are in kg.How to:How to:How to: This subreddit is for the sport of Olympic-style weightlifting, which tests the snatch and the clean and jerk, and related links and topics. Maybe 'stupid' was inaccurate. I'm just imagining a question like this could rub someone the wrong way ('Did you create your own path, or did you copy someone else's'), but Schmitz seems like a open-minded, based on his Iron Mind articles.But I agree, since he coached the Olympic team that many times, he's been exposed to tons of theory and practice from elsewhere, and his take on all of it (and where USA lifting is) would a wealth of information.I'm just really interested in the national approaches to weightlifting, because I really have no idea what the USA's is.

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Even when you expand to larger sports, like soccer; from what I've been told strategy and gameplay is much more cohesive in Brazil and Spain, and the US is kind of a mixed bag, (which I guess can somewhat be chalked up to how the youth programs are aligned - and then this would go back to why USA weightlifting needs more grade school integration).

Hail to the Dinosaurs!Yesterday I sent out an email aboutintelligent training for liftinglongevity.Later in the day, I saw a new photoof Jim Schmitz doing a split clean ata recent contest. (I posted this on myFacebook page - so go see it.)Jim Schmitz is one of the top Olympicweightlifting coaches in the country.He has been the head coach of the USAweightlifitng team at the OlympicGames not once, not twice, but THREEtimes.He was born in 1945, so he's 67 yearsold.And there he was - out on the platform -snapping the bar up to his shoulders ashe dropped into the split.That's pretty impressive for a 67 yearold man.

Jim schmitz olympic style weightlifting program for pregnancy photosJim schmitz olympic style weightlifting program for pregnancy photos

Most men that age have troublewalking - or bending over and tyingtheir shoes. Heck, some of them havetrouble sitting down.But Jim Schmitz is still lifting.

Andthat's pretty darn impressive.Part of Jim's lifting longevity may bethe result of his training methods. He'snever gone in for the bizarre or theover the top extreme stuff.In his training manual, 'Olympic StyleWeightlifitng for the Beginner & Inter-mediate Weightlifter' (available fromIronMind, and highly recommended - andditto for the companion DVD), Jim Schmitzpromotes THREE TIMES PER WEEK TRAINING!Yes, you read that correctly.Not the Russian system - not the Bulgariansystem - not the Chinese system - notany off the internet program where youtrain six days a week - but THREE workoutsper week.He promotes relatively low tonnage for anOlympic weightlifter. Beginners do the 5 x 5system, and as they advance, they move upto programs like 3 x3, 3 x 2 and 3 x 1 (atotal of nine sets and 18 reps).The exercises, of course, are the basicsfor Olympic weightlifters: cleans, snatches,clean and jerk, back squat, front squat,pulls, etc. Nothing fancy.That's what Jim Schmitz teaches, and it'show he trains, and it's how he's alwaystrained - and there he is, still trainingand still competing at age 67!This is a GREAT example of common sense intraining - and an example of how keepingthings simple and training intelligently(rather than ego-driven training or followingthe latest program you find in cyberspace)pays lifetime dividends!So whatever your age, stop and reflect onwhat you're doing and how you're training.Are you positioning yourself for lifelongstrength and health? Will YOU be hittingit like Jim Schmitz when you're 67?The bottom line is this.

Jim Schmitz Weightlifting

I want to be likeJim Schmitz when I'm 67. That's MY goal. Itshould be YOUR goal as well.As always, thanks for reading and have agreat day. If you train today, make it agood one.Yours in strength,Brooks KubikP.S.

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This entry was posted on 28.01.2020.