Gantt Chart Microsoft Access

  1. Gantt Chart Microsoft Access Login
  2. Gantt Chart Microsoft Access

Has anyone every tried to create Timelines using Access 2003? I am currently trying to accomplish this with either using Pivot Tables and Charts or Access Charts, but I am not having much of any luck. I am trying to put projects that are done thoughout the year into a timeline chart. If someone has done this before and could show me how they did this, I would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Steven Q. Duane Hookom has a sample database for download here: That contains a time-line report.

Gantt Chart Microsoft Access Login

I haven't done this type of thing myself, but the sample should help you along. Regards, Scott (the download is called Calender Reports Sample).

Overview The Gantt Chart Builder System provides a system to build professional quality Gantt charts without the need for Microsoft® Project or similar products. Charts such as that depicted here: Can be constructed with either Microsoft® Excel® or Access®.

Quite often, your data is present in a database and the production of such charts has been extremely difficult without expensive add-ons. Excel Based Version Charts such as that depicted above can be constructed and then exported in either image or spreadsheet format. This allows all the features and flexibility offered by Microsoft® Excel® to be used with your constructed Gantt chart. Full control is available on the colour of each individual line item.

That is to say, if you like, each and every bar can be a different colour. Therefore, significant items can be highlighted to your audience. As an Excel® module, GBS requires very little extra disk space (unlike Microsoft® Project®) and does not require the user to learn yet another software package. All Gantt sheets are generated on Excel sheets, this gives the user all the power and flexibility of Excel® without the training overheads of battling with Project®.

System Pre-requisites The Gantt Chart Builder System (GBS) is based on Microsoft® Excel®. GBS is fully compatible with Microsoft® Excel® 2000, XP/2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, and 2013 versions of Excel®. Note, the GBS program is not compatible with Microsoft® Excel® 97 from version 6.0.0 onwards. Building a Chart Below is a sample of the data required by the Gantt chart builder: The only mandatory data is the start and finish dates identified in columns “F” and “G”, all other information is entirely optional. The above data gives the Gantt chart illustrated at the top of this page. Operation of the Gantt builder is simple, with two toolbars providing access to all the GBS functionality. The functions available are as follows:.

Gantt Chart Microsoft Access

Building the chart itself. This option will allow you to select the desired date bands illustrated below.


Clear the chart. Access to the Builder Toolbox. This provides options to automatically populate roll-up tasks and also to automatically mark milestones based on the dates provided. Configure the chart presentation options. See below for a sample view of this control. Print & Print Preview the constructed chart. Copy the selected chart as an image format.


This allows the chart to be pasted into almost any other toolset. Export the chart into another external workbook. This creates a sheet that is independent of the GBS toolset Chart Date Ranges The Gantt chart can be constructed with a number of pre-specified date bands, these are yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly. Illustration of these controls are below: Configuration Dialog Many attributes of the charts themselves are fully configurable, as illustrated below: Access Based Version Charts such as that depicted above can be constructed from data present within Microsoft® Access® tables. The Gantt Chart Builder System provides a system to build professional quality Gantt charts without the need for Microsoft® Project or similar products.


Charts via Access Reports such as that depicted here can be constructed from data already available in a Microsoft® Access® database, and allows all the features and flexibility offered by Microsoft® Access®. Full control is available on the colour of each individual line item.

That is to say, if you like, each and every bar can be a different colour. Therefore, significant items can be highlighted to your report’s audience. System Pre-requisites The Gantt Chart Builder System (GBS) is based on Microsoft® Accessl®. GBS is fully compatible with Microsoft® Access® 97, 2000, XP/2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, and 2013 versions of Access®.

This entry was posted on 22.01.2020.