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  1. Domus 3d Download

Thegoal of Progetto KatatexiLux is to take advantage of IT technologyand apply it to an ancient traditional field of study. By doing so,we propose an experimental use of computer technology, an interestingand innovative scientific study and research tool, and an effectiveapproach to pubblication. The Project’s main idea is that thetechnological means is the instrument through which it is possible torealize Raffaellos’s dream: the reconstruction of the ancient worldby joining the historian’s skills to those of the artist. In otherwords, to combine the quest for scientific quality, on the one handwith to the ability to excite, on the other. KatatexiLuxProject was founded in September 2002 and is the idea of two younggraduating architecture students with a shared passion for hightechnology and computer science applied to the history ofarchitecture. The project name comes from the 'crasi'between two terms: on the one hand, the ancient greek katatexitechnos(translated as 'he who disperses art in the minutiae') thatrepresents the scientific care and attention to detail present in thestudio’s projects; on the other hand, the Latin medieval “lux”(inspirational origin of Gothic architecture) emphasizes theemotional and engaging aspect which is the main inspiration thatenlivens the Studio’s work.


Domus 3d Download

Stefano Borghini and Raffaele Carlani’sstart collaborating while working on the reconstruction of theVirtual Neronis Domus Aurea in 2004, a project which is contiuouslybeing updated. Thisis the first of a series of official recognitions that takes theirwork, in a short time, to become known amongst professionals in thefield and beyond.

In May 2005, part of the research material waspurchased by the RAI (Italian Radio and Television) and transmittedon cultural diffusion programs. A new version of the outdoor spacesof the villa is again produced for RAI in October 2009. SinceNovember 2005, the firm has worked in educational support activities,with the chair of Architecture History and Ancient and MedievalUrbanism in the 'Valle Giulia'Architecture Department ofthe University of Rome' La Sapienza '.

From this moment on,the Studio regularly combines teaching activities and field work,teaching masters and university level courses. In July 2008, thearchitect Borghini, acquires the title of PhD in ArchitectureHistory, and in March of the same year becomes an Adjunct Professorin the “Ludovico Quadroni” Architecture Department of the 'LaSapienza' University of Rome.

In 2007 the study beginscollaborating on numerous projects with the Institute for AppliedTechnologies in Cultural Heritage of the CNR. From 2009/2010 Borghiniand Carlani both become researchers at the same institute.

This entry was posted on 08.02.2020.